Before Depression
1660 - 1800

"The most enjoyable and stimulating conference experience I've had for some time."

"My warmest thanks for all the care and work in organizing such a fruitful and stimulating conference."

"The exhibition was splendid, because it was both so beautifully displayed and so cleverly structured."

"The occasion was a magic one."

"The dinner party in a manor in which one felt one was at the heart of what Englishness means was a most welcome time for exchange between nationalities and generations."

"At the National Glass Centre, even the cranes were beautiful in the sunset!"

"It has been a long time since I took part in such a successful scholarly and cultural event."

"I can tell you honestly that that was the best conference I have ever attended."

"I want to thank you for the wonderful conference! I had a great time, and received lots of great ideas from the people I talked to."

"It was really superb and you were wonderful hosts."

"I don't think I've ever enjoyed a conference as much as this one."

"It was outstanding in every way."

"It really was a well-organised, stimulating and thoroughly enjoyable event from start to finish."

"I came away feeling inspired, and just hope the feeling will last!"

"Such a wonderful conference. I had
such a great time!"

"So good to hear about other people's work, and the social events were fantastic."

"I learned a great deal, met some very interesting people, was inspired to do some new work."

"Thank you all so much for a fantastic conference."

"It was brilliantly organised."

"Such a great crowd of people too."

"A very unmelancholy event!"

This site is updated regularly: 11/07/11
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